Two Hearts πŸ’œ

Today, I had a second marker (link for more info: coil embolization) inserted into the mass. I don't like the word tumor so I will call it a "mass" or "bump".  One of the markers is in the shape of a ribbon πŸŽ—and the one they inserted today is in the shape of a heart πŸ’œ on each side of the mass. I guess they thought I needed a second heart? This will allow them to track it's size during chemo and location during surgery. 

On the way to the hospital I received a call from the Genetics Counselor. The BRCA1 and BRCA2 (link for more info) gene mutation test came back negative. Good news since we know it's not something that was 
inherited. This also means I won't have to have a hysterectomy as well as bilateral mastectomy. The statistics on developing ovarian or breast cancer when an individual has these 2 mutations is alarming. Small victories!

We go back to Dr. Ibrahim (primary Oncologist) tomorrow and should have more to update in the next day or two. 

Since they make me wear this fancy robe, I'm going to start pretending I'm going to the spa instead... 😝