Dancing with the Devil

Cycles 1-4 consist of 3 different types of chemo drugs: Fluororacil, Doxorubicin ("Red Devil" 👹), and Cyclophosphamide every 3 weeks. Chemo week is supposed to be the hardest. It starts on day 1 (chemo day) and symptoms are supposed to progress through day 7.  Today is day 6 of dancing with the devil. Somehow, my body tolerated the dance incredibly well!

Nausea/ fatigue- Overall, just a little nausea and exhaustion. I experienced about an hour (over the span of 6 days) where the exhaustion and nausea were pretty strong but those moments passed very quickly. As an example (on day 2), I took a shower and loaded clothes into the dryer. Just those 2 tasks, KNOCKED ME OUT for about 15 min. haha! From then on, I've had to downshift my energy level to about 25% by sitting most of the day.

Stomach / Pain- Night 4, I experienced some wicked stomach cramps!!

Hair loss- So far, hair is still on my head but I'm dreading the moment it begins to fall out. I fear brushing it and seeing a clump on the brush.

Appetite (Weight loss/Weight gain)- The steroid the first couple of days gave me a huge appetite but the nausea helped me keep it under control. So far, I haven't lost or gained any weight.

I feel so damn lucky. 💗

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