Delivering the News

Our appointment yesterday was less emotionally taxing and a little more entertaining than the one on Monday. Joe and I talked about how walking through the MD Anderson doors the second time around wasn't quite as frightening. As soon as we arrived they inserted a catheter in my arm. I'm sure I won't mind needles as much when this is all said and done. 😆 They injected radioactive tracers (sounds cool doesn't it?) and I had a bone scan. I drank an oral contrast cocktail for a CT scan (chest, abdomen and pelvic area). Then, I had an echocardiogram where I got to see my heart via ultrasound. In between all of this, I had blood drawn for several tests including genetics testing where they will test for BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes. I was even told I wasn't pregnant. 😳 I was laughing to myself imagining the conversation with Joe had they told me the opposite.
Now we wait for those results and continue to wait for the MD Anderson pathology and HER2 results. 

Interestingly enough, things seemed easier.  Acceptance is taking the place of shock and we are getting familiar with this new world.  Then, we came home to tell the boys. So far, the hardest thing we've had to do since we started down this road.  We had talked to a Social Worker who gave us tips on how to deliver the news. She explained that we needed to be honest, using age-appropriate words and guided us to a resource for help (link below if interested). Cole is full of questions and we've had many long conversations, which put our minds at ease initially.  Then, he cried last night, which was devastating to us. Reid on the other hand, is quiet, which also concerns us.  
Diagnosis didn't break me but seeing my boys and loved ones worry - breaks me. 

1 comment:

Tere said...