Joe must have felt like he was in college during our appointment today because he took 5 pages of notes on his iPad. I'll keep this update brief and try to highlight the most important points.
MD Anderson confirmed the original diagnosis. HER2 results came back as positive. The doctor said this is good news as it gives us something besides chemo to attack the mass.
I am scheduled to have my port surgery on Monday, Nov. 20th. I'll get to keep that little guy until February of 2019. A whole year and a couple of months. ๐ณ On Tuesday, Nov. 21st, I start my 1st of 8 cycles of chemotherapy that will take place over 6 months (1 cycle every 3 weeks). This means I'll spend almost a full day every 3 weeks in the Medical Center. That doesn't seem so bad to me.
The first 3 months will consist of F.A.C (3 chemo drugs: Flouroracil, Doxorubicin and Cyclophosphamide). If they had asked me, I would have suggested a better name like, F.U.C. ๐ The last 3 months will consist of P.T.H (1 new chemo drug and 2 HER2 targeted therapy drugs: Perjeta, Taxotere and Herceptin). The HER2 drug will continue for an additional 9 months after chemo resumes.
The CT scan detected a tiny nodule in my lung and a cyst in my pancreas but Dr. Ibrahim told us it was nothing to be concerned about... We will monitor with scans but he does not feel an MRI or biopsy are necessary. We also discussed the side effects of chemo. The one that the boys seem the most concerned about is hair loss. I should start to lose my hair somewhere between 1 and 3 weeks after my first cycle. So, if you see me next month without any hair, do not be alarmed. I told the boys I was going to get a pink wig. They keep begging me to do a normal color and even helping me look for wigs online. ๐
I'm feeling positive and anxious to get started. I don't like to wait. I guess I better get my Christmas shopping done and find a wig QUICKLY!
XO ~
I am so proud of you mi amor!
Parents should be the ones teaching their children... and in this case YOU are the one teaching us!!!
I admired you sooo much!!!
Eres todo un ejemplo de fortaleza mi amor.
La batalla ya la
ganaste ❤
Love you de aquรญ a la estrella mรกs lejana.
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