
I met with my Oncologist last week and it was a good visit.  I love him and his personality is exactly the type of doctor that I need. He doesn't focus on statistics and always finds a super sweet way to respond when I corner him with reoccurrence questions.
I've been cleared to return to my regular checkups (i.e., the dentist and the OBGYN. Ya know? All the fun doctors. 🙄).  I am not scheduled to see my Oncologist again until the end of January . I made sure they scheduled it after my birthday. I spent my 41st birthday getting chemotherapy this past January, so I'm determined to plan something fun this coming year.

This week, I get to see my plastic surgeon.  This means that I should have my exchange surgery scheduled in the near future. 🙌 I will also have another echocardiogram to make sure Herceptin isn't causing any heart damage. Please pray that everything looks good so that I can continue getting treatment. On Friday, I'll have a CT scan to check on a "small 4 mm nodule" in my lung as well as a "small 5 mm cystic lesion" in the pancreas that they spotted last year.  The preparation and scan should take 3 hours. Funny how I had already forgotten how lengthy that type of scan can be.  Scans are always scary for anyone that's every been diagnosed. However, for some reason, I'm feeling really relaxed and confident that everything will look good. I just can't allow my mind to wander too much.
I'll update as soon as I know the results. 😘

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