New Normal... For a Little While

My two biggest treatment hurdles (chemo and double mastectomy) are done.  I'm starting to see what my new normal will feel like, at least for a little while.

Not counting the bald and boobless part, I'm feeling almost like my old self. I would have been at 100% weeks ago, had it not been for these expanders. I remember reading about how uncomfortable they were from all of my "cancer friends". I go to the hospital each week to get them filled until I reach the desired size. Then, I'll keep them for about 3-6 months before I have another surgery to exchange them for silicone implants (can't wait because these things are like rocks!). When the boys asked how big I'll go, I told them that I just want them each to be as big as basketballs. I wish I could have captured the mortified look on their faces. 😂

The next phase of treatment consists of going to MD Anderson every 3 weeks until March, where Herceptin will be administered via my port. Herceptin is a monoclonal anitbody/ targeted therapy drug and is not considered chemotherapy.  You wouldn't know that by looking at the list of side effects, but it is tolerated A LOT better than chemotherapy.

I started on Tuesday 7/10 and so far, I am feeling FANTASTIC! I'm only experiencing a runny nose,  muscle pain (which I love, because it makes me feel like I've been working out- until I look in the mirror 🙄 😂), minor random stomach aches and fatigue when I pretend to be the normal me.

Here is a picture update on my hair at 1 month post chemo. I look like a baby bird. I'll take a picture each month to track progress. It thinned out even more after the last round on May 17th. Just as my eyelashes and eyebrows were beginning to grow back, they decided to fall out again last week.  I also have a couple of nails that are beginning to lift from the nail bed (side effect from one of the chemos). It's crazy to me, to still see side effects beginning to happen almost 2 months after finishing chemo. The human body is pretty amazing.

1 comment:

Tiffany said...

Just show them a picture of Dolly Parton lol.
Keep rocking my friend. You continue to amaze me!!! Xoxo