New Hairdo...

[DISCLOSURE: I normally do NOT take this many pictures of myself. 😂]

On Friday December the 8th, I had 6 inches of my hair chopped off in hopes of prolonging the amount of time I had with hair by making it appear fuller.

Just 4 days later, I told Joe and the boys that I needed them to stand-by for moral support while I shaved my head. They asked if they could help, but I needed to do it alone. I made 4 ponytails and cut them close to my scalp. Then, proceeded to shave. But first, I had to cut a mohawk to show the boys. After all, I did shave a mohawk on Cole's head when he was 8 weeks old. 😏

I'm officially a cancer patient when I look in the mirror. Interestingly, I have not felt emotional about my hair. When I look in the mirror, I see a cancer patient, but that patient is not me. Maybe it's due to the fact that I (thankfully) continue to feel GREAT physically.

The pictures below were taken a couple of days ago. Today, I barely have any left.

Here are some of my different "hairdos". This is my brunette "halo" hair and supposed to be worn with hats and beanies.  Think tonsure... 😜

Thank you, Crystal Clear Mortgage for donating the hats. 😂

Below is the wig that I hated the least out of all of the ones I tried.  I feel very UNcomfortable in it, but it's nice to not have to wear a hat. 

This is my blonde "halo". If the kids didn't mind me wearing a pink one, I would buy one of those too! I wish I could wear a t-shirt or a sign that says "dealing with cancer. this isn't a lapse in judgement." I may as well experiment, have fun and not try to conceal the fact that I'm wearing a wig. 

I went in for my 2nd chemo cycle but was turned down due to low white blood cells. This was incredibly disappointing because I WANT chemo. I want to kill this thing so bad. My oncologist now wants me to try again on Tuesday December 19th and to return every 4 weeks, instead of every 3 weeks. I was originally scheduled to end chemo mid April. Now, I won't finish until the end of June. I'm quickly learning that I can't focus on dates and always need to be prepared for the unexpected. 

Emotionally, I continue to feel strong and ready to battle. Thank you for continuing to show me so much love.  I'm so astounded by it.  I hope every person battling cancer, has an unbelievable support system like the one I've got. 💗 


melissa clarke said...

my beautiful Jablin!! I love your strength, your focus, your determination!! get that t-shirt! get that pink wig! kill that cancer with style; you’re a badass human being, and I cannot wait for you to be done battling this!! I love your wigs!! they look amazing on you—the wig you hate the least looks super real and almost like your own style. thank you for sharing your words; so beautifully put and well said! I love your spirit, sis!! I LOVE YOU!!!!!

Tere said...

Mi amor , eres fuera de este planeta!!! Te admiro tanto y ruego a Dios te siga dando esa fuerza interior para combatir a este mounstro! Los meses pasarán rápido y cuando menos lo esperes será un capítulo de tu vida que se cerró ! Dejando experiencias profundas que te harán más fuerte a ti y a todos los que te queremos!
Te adoro con toda mi alma mi amor!

Unknown said...

Mi siempre queridísima Orsola , nos estas enseñando tanto mi amor, eres un ejemplo de fortaleza, de actitud, de amor hacia ti misma y entorno.
Me encantó tu corte mohicano😉, y como bien dice Meli, la verdad que ni se nota que tienes una peluca, es todo tu estilo❗
Ahí estoy contigo siempre ❤
Lots of love❤❤❤❤

Unknown said...

No words, eres increible prima!! Gracias por enseñarnos tanto con esta experiencia, a la distancia estoy contigo te quiero mucho y estoy segura que esto se acabará pronto pero lo que nos estás enseñando no pasará nunca!! TE ADORO!! <3

Lisa said... are one amazing person! You look beautiful in all the different wigs or not wearing one at all. You can ROCK all those different looks! I'm praying for you and the boys daily. We love you and your family so very much!!!